COVID-safe Psychotherapy via Telehealth
Since SARS-CoV-2 became a pandemic, the revolutionary growth of Telehealth has been steady, with new technology rising to meet the global challenge. However, several years later, there are people just like you who wish to continue online care despite the world “going back to normal.”
There are many reasons for people choosing to remain dedicated to their therapy this way including:
Safety: Many of us are still social distancing, using masks and other interventions to keep ourselves and others in lower-risk environments against infections, co-infections, and re-infections.
Accessibility: Across the spectrum of ability and disability as well as regarding equitable access, Telehealth offers people options when they might not otherwise have them. Whether it’s distance to care and finding specialists within or beyond their neighborhoods, anonymity due to addictions, shame, and publicity, or being physically unable to commute to an appointment, Telehealth = Access. Which leads to…
Traffic: Let’s be honest, traffic in California is not only awful, but also a barrier to care for some people. From commuting times to expenses including parking fees, gas and car payments, as well as the actual time you spend in your car or on public transportation, traffic limits your availability. Speaking of availability…
Flexibility: With telehealth, the Covid-informed patient can create times outside of normal 9-5 office hours for their support because many carers are providing therapy from their own homes as well, leading to an increase in scheduling options. In my recent trainings, I learned of one California provider who specializes in overnight virtual sessions for people who are night owls and work swing shifts.
Convenience: Possibly the most important accommodation of the Telehealth Revolution is the ability for patients and therapists alike to “Work From Home.” If you prefer your own bathroom, sofa, or home office to public places (and who doesn’t?), or if you are in the middle of an energy dip from Long Covid, ME/CFS or are dealing with POTS symptoms and cannot go anywhere, Telehealth becomes more than just convenient, it’s indispensable. Along with that comfort, many people appreciate the ability to not be far from loved ones - furry or otherwise.
COVID-safe psychotherapy via Telehealth is available to many but not right for everyone. If you’d like to discuss further whether beginning or re-starting your therapy via virtual sessions is a good fit, please feel free to call. Sometimes just taking the first step and finding out more information is therapeutic in itself.
As always, take good care…