My Approach to Therapy

So what happens during a typical session with me?

Well, it’s a combination of therapies based on your personal needs on that day, or that period of your life. Sometimes we may use Talk Therapy, other days we may incorporate EMDR.

Below is a short breakdown of some of the major modalities I use for the majority of my patients. If you have any questions, be sure to ask during an appointment to learn more about how I can help you.

Addictions and Recovery

There are certain ways to approach an addict’s special situation because biology and family history play important roles. It’s essential to remember that the kind of talk therapy I provide is just one of many support options for a wide range of treatment, including 12-step programs, medications, and rehab. See here for more resources on addictions.


As a certified EMDR clinician, I use the techniques of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (Adaptive Information Processing) to help patients overcome entrenched memories, experiences, and beliefs, as well as anticipatory fears and phobias stemming from traumatic events in the distant or recent past. I’ve found that this modality is especially helpful for people stuck at an impasse in their lives.

Family Systems

This orientation is based on the premise that when one aspect of a system changes, the entire system reacts to the change and the adjustments that follow are often stressful, unpleasant, and surprising. As such, when you go into therapy, you, by your very efforts, are initiating changes, which it’s my pleasure to help you navigate.

Grief and Bereavement

Everyone’s calendar flips at a different rate, so no two people experience grief in the same way. While cultures worldwide provide customs and traditions that help during these difficult times, sometimes it’s not enough to support you as you process pain, and even re-enter society. My job during these times not only just to witness and listen while you move through your grief, but also to gently use techniques I’ve accumulated through many years of continuing training in the field to get you back on your feet safely.


I have been phone-counseling patients for decades, and with the recent safer-at-home initiatives I took the opportunity to become a certified telehealth provider to better serve people via phone and secure videoconferencing throughout California. I find it to be surprisingly effective for people going through the grief, stress, and loss of familiar ways who sometimes - for internal or external reasons - cannot make it into my office, and look forward to offering telehealth indefinitely.